Content Warnings For My Books

Please reach out via social media or email if you think something should be added to this page.

  • OPHELIA AFTER ALL: mentions of underage drinking and vaping, topical mentions of sex, cut-off use of a homophobic slur (challenged), condemned homophobia, discussions of anti-Blackness within a mixed race Latine family (challenged)

  • YOU DON’T HAVE A SHOT: off-page maternal death by breast cancer, maternal grief, mentions of underage drinking, depictions of paternal emotional abuse, depictions of anxiety/panic attacks, discussions and depictions of sports-related injuries (primarily a sprained wrist), condemned homophobia, condemned xenophobia, off-page teenage cancer patient, condemned mention of exclusionary transphobia in sports

  • THIS IS ME TRYING: off-page teenage boy’s death by suicide (method is never disclosed), grief over loved one who died by suicide, grief over paternal death by car accident, intrusive thoughts and behaviors fueled by obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic attacks, anxiety, morbid ideation, discussions of suicidal ideation and depression, absent/neglectful parents, off-page grandfather injury (fall without serious complications), off-page teenage sex, underage drinking and intoxication, smoking, discussions of teenage pregnancy and motherhood, side plot emotionally abusive relationship, mild violence (main character punching a side character), mild injury (hurt hand from punching)

  • IF WE SURVIVE THIS: Pending.

  • OUR SHADOWS HAVE CLAWS (La Patasola): depiction of emotionally abusive teenage relationship, body horror, animal gore (decapitated deer), supernatural murder

  • STUDY BREAK (Sophomore Slump): depictions of anxiety, off-page maternal death by cancer, discussions of diaspora feelings